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HTTP Headers
HTTP headers are the name or value pairs that are displayed in the request and response messages of message headers for HTTP. They are provide additional information about the message. This can include information regarding the content type, the date and time, and the server software that is being used.
HTTP headers is an important part of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). They are useful to share information between servers and clients. HTTP headers allow the client and server to communicate additional information about the request or response.
HTTP headers can be classified into four types:
HTTP Request Headers
HTTP Request headers are sent by the client to the server to provide information about the request.
HTTP Response Headers
HTTP Response headers are sent by the server to the client in response to a request.
HTTP General Headers
HTTP General headers apply to both requests and responses, and provide information about the message itself. This can include information regarding the content encoding or the date and time.
HTTP Entity Headers
HTTP Entity headers provide information about the body of the message. This can include information regarding the content type, content length, content encoding, content language, content location, content range, when it expires & when it was last modified .