JSON Data Types

A JSON body can comprise one of 6 data types which can be categorized as primitive or complex data types.

JSON Data Type

  • String (Primitive)
  • Number(Primitive)
  • Object (Complex)
  • Array (Complex)
  • Boolean (Primitive)
  • Null (Primitive)

1. String

In JSON, keys must always be strings. Any string is always written in double quotes.


  "name": "apitier"

2. Number

The number represents the numeric characters. Number values must be integer or floating-point numbers. A floating-point number is a number with a decimal point value such as; 0, 3.11, 7.3, and -109.5.


  "age": 50
   "percentage": 80.55 

3. Object

It is a set of name or value pairs inserted between {} (curly braces). The keys must be strings and should be unique and multiple keys and value pairs are separated by a, (comma). 


{ key : value, .......}


  "user": {
    "name": "apitier",
    "age": 50,
    "percentage": 60.05

4. Array

The array is a list of objects, which are mainly enclosed in square brackets [ ]. In JSON, the array value can be a string, number, object, array, boolean or null.


[ value, .......]


  "apitier": [

   "addresses": [
        "line_1": "House Of Commons",
        "line_2": "Houses Of Parliament",
        "line_3": "",
        "post_town": "LONDON",
        "postcode": "SW1A 0AA",
        "address": "House Of Commons, Houses Of Parliament, LONDON, SW1A 0AA"

5. Boolean

This data type can be either true or false. 


  "result" : true 

6. Null

It is just a defined nullable value(empty value).


  "result" : true,
  "grade" : null,
  "no" : 210