Problem Statement

As a service provider, the owner of the application I should be able to get valid user email addresses on subscriptions, bookings, or any kind of form.


Discover the deliverability of email addresses by APITier’s most popular email verification API.


Improve Lead Conversion

Identify duplicate user accounts, stolen user data, and fake registrations. Automatically block low-quality accounts.

Cleansing Data

Cleansing your existing email database. Ensure the email you are collecting is valid, accurate, and fresh to prevent fake leads.

Prevent Fraud

Mitigate chargebacks, high-risk transactions, and all types of e-commerce fraud by detecting fake email addresses associated with recent malicious behavior.

API Features

  • Regex Validation Check
  • Typo Suggestion
  • Disposable Email Check
  • Free Email Check
  • MX Check
  • Live SMTP Check
  • Single Email Validation
  • Bulk Email Validation
  • Simple RESTFUL API
  • Easy To Integrate
  • Mobile-friendly JSON API
  • Affordable Plans
  • Pay As You Go Pricing


  • Registration and Subscription Forms
  • Booking Form for the Shopping website
  • Payment Form for the e-Commerce application
  • B2B Marketing
  • Email Marketing

Validate Your Email

“Validate Email” before you send. Discover the deliverability of email addresses with our most popular email verification API.